Puzzle Quest 3 returns to its origins, recalling the deep RPG mecha...
Puzzle Quest 3 returns to its origins, recalling the deep RPG mechanics and signature heroic storylines that made the original a standout hit within the Match-3 category. Now featuring a twist on traditional puzzle gameplay, Puzzle Quest 3 offers an intense one-versus-one battle system realized in a 3D game world. Taking place 500 years after the original Puzzle Quest, players will embark on a ...
Puzzle Quest 3 returns to its origins, recalling the deep RPG mechanics and signature heroic storylines that made the original a standout hit within the Match-3 category. Now featuring a twist on traditional puzzle gameplay, Puzzle Quest 3 offers an intense one-versus-one battle system realized in a 3D game world. Taking place 500 years after the original Puzzle Quest, players will embark on a heroic journey across Etheria to discover the meaning behind the ancient Red Dragon’s dying words.
Puzzle Quest 3 features an all-new adventure to become the ultimate hero, battling and building a legacy in thrilling head-to-head combat. The game includes an immersive battle system where players unleash torturous spells and paralyzing attacks through the power of gem-crushing in an enhanced turn-based system. Puzzle Quest 3 once again pushes the genre limits by introducing new and imaginative gameplay mechanics.