DVD / Blu-ray / VOD
The anticipated movie Pitch Perfect 3 is already released on Cinema, DVD, Blu-ray and VOD in the USA.
Based on 20 reviews, Pitch Perfect 3 gets an average review score of 52
Pitch Perfect 3 is a kickass reminder that women don’t need to please anyone but themselves. Can I get an aca-”amen” with that?
2602d ago
Pitch Perfect 3 charms as a short and decent final installment.
2602d ago
Throwing all plausibility in the bin, the Bellas take on a whistlestop European tour of military bases in their third outing, which somehow stays in tune.
2602d ago
“Pitch Perfect 3” begins with a yacht exploding in the French Riviera, features John Lithgow sporting a questionable Australian accent and includes a scene in which a swarm of bees wreaks havoc in DJ Khaled’s hotel room.
2602d ago
In a third-time's-the-daffy-charm sequel, the Bellas reunite for one last tour, and the a cappella girl-group franchise goes out on a winning note.
2602d ago
It’s not unpleasant, thanks to the energetic dialogue and songs, but it lacks the fun and focus that made “Pitch Perfect” such a surprise hit worthy of repeat viewings.
2602d ago
Pitch Perfect 3 is still likable, but it's singing on fumes.
2602d ago
Pitch Perfect 3 is so breezy it's completely weightless, but it manages to deliver just enough of the goods.
2602d ago
With a plot as unfocused as its freshly graduated characters, the shaggy Pitch Perfect 3 gets by on karaoke logic: What makes for a good time isn’t the song you sing, but the company you keep.
2602d ago
“Pitch Perfect 3” supposedly is the final film in the wildly successful series about the musical misadventures of the Barden Bellas. Lots of overlong, tearful group hugs after the final a cappella song make that clear.
2602d ago
Although Kendrick’s pint-size dynamo once pushed the Bellas beyond their la-la-la comfort zone, she basically sleepwalks through this third go-round.
2602d ago
2602d ago
Post-college life is no picnic for the former Barden Bellas acapella group, so they leap at the chance to reunite for a USO tour of Europe. But up against bands with actual instruments, how will they cope?
2602d ago
Although I do think PP fans will be satisfied with the finale, let’s hope this is the last redux for these pitches.
2602d ago
Out of tune, out of ideas and staler than ever.
2602d ago
Forgettable 'Pitch Perfect 3' proves the sing-happy series is aca-over.
2602d ago
Women deserve a better vehicle for demonstrating the power of female solidarity than this empty money grab.
2602d ago
Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson and the rest of the a cappella singing group the Bellas are back for the third, and supposedly final, installment of the hit musical comedy franchise.
2602d ago
The Aussie actress single-handedly brings what little pizzazz this threequel has to offer.
2602d ago
The most interesting thing in “Pitch Perfect 3” is Anna Kendrick’s boredom.
2602d ago