Release dates

February 19, 2014

134 months ago

Android / iOS


Feb 19, 2014
134 months ago
Feb 19, 2014
134 months ago

Pirate Treasure - Lost Islands release date

The game Pirate Treasure - Lost Islands is already released on Android and iOS in the USA.

Pirate Treasure - Lost Islands

Pirate Treasure – Lost Island is a vertical shooting adventure game...
Pirate Treasure – Lost Island is a vertical shooting adventure game, full of cartoon action of unpredictable surprise and presented in a colorful 3D environments. Players are challenged to avoid collisions with numerous items and fire cannons and throw bombs the same time. In addition coins and jewels need to be collected to purchase upgrades in the shop for a more powerful ship weapons configu...
Pirate Treasure – Lost Island is a vertical shooting adventure game, full of cartoon action of unpredictable surprise and presented in a colorful 3D environments. Players are challenged to avoid collisions with numerous items and fire cannons and throw bombs the same time. In addition coins and jewels need to be collected to purchase upgrades in the shop for a more powerful ship weapons configuration.