PINEAPPLE unfolds the tale of a bittersweet revenge. You’ll orchest...
PINEAPPLE unfolds the tale of a bittersweet revenge. You’ll orchestrate some clever pranks, strategically placing pineapples in the bully's most unexpected and intimate spaces, until she learns her lesson. But beware: she won’t be the only one in for a surprise.
An unconventional gaming adventure, PINEAPPLE combines a humorous storyline with fun challenges for an engaging experience. This sh...
PINEAPPLE unfolds the tale of a bittersweet revenge. You’ll orchestrate some clever pranks, strategically placing pineapples in the bully's most unexpected and intimate spaces, until she learns her lesson. But beware: she won’t be the only one in for a surprise.
An unconventional gaming adventure, PINEAPPLE combines a humorous storyline with fun challenges for an engaging experience. This short yet relevant and impactful interactive mischief weaves amusement, ease, and wit, unfolding a rib-tickling story about the quirks of bullying.