Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III is a classic platform...
Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III is a classic platformer developed by TAITO that first graced the gaming scene in 1991. As a sequel to Rainbow Islands and the third installment in the legendary Bubble Bobble series, it recaptured the magic and charm that delighted fans worldwide. While it never made its way to arcades, it instead captivated players on home consoles, such as PC Engi...
Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III is a classic platformer developed by TAITO that first graced the gaming scene in 1991. As a sequel to Rainbow Islands and the third installment in the legendary Bubble Bobble series, it recaptured the magic and charm that delighted fans worldwide. While it never made its way to arcades, it instead captivated players on home consoles, such as PC Engine and TurboGrafx, and home computers like the Amiga. Now, it’s time to relive the excitement as Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III makes its triumphant return to modern platforms!
In this captivating platformer by TAITO, players follow the adventures of two brothers, Bubby and Bobby, who embark on a mission to save their neighboring planets from an evil menace.