It has been 500 years since the Deicide War severed the connection ...
It has been 500 years since the Deicide War severed the connection between the people and their gods. The Ravaging Lord pushed nations across Terminus to near extinction before the Dragon King himself appeared and brought an end to the bloodshed. Now, the denizens of Terminus must uncover the mysteries of their past and unlock the silenced power of their gods. For war will come again. And this ...
It has been 500 years since the Deicide War severed the connection between the people and their gods. The Ravaging Lord pushed nations across Terminus to near extinction before the Dragon King himself appeared and brought an end to the bloodshed. Now, the denizens of Terminus must uncover the mysteries of their past and unlock the silenced power of their gods. For war will come again. And this time the dragons won’t be there to save you.
Pantheon: rise of the fallen is a deeply social high fantasy mmo game that challenges its players and rewards effort.