Experience the initial hours of a viral undead outbreak in the city...
Experience the initial hours of a viral undead outbreak in the city of Cypress Ridge during September 1999. Choose from an extensive cast of everyday citizens, each with unique abilities, traits, and storylines as you collaborate with up to three friends online or via local splitscreen to escape the undead apocalypse. Select your team members wisely, as different characters can access various a...
Experience the initial hours of a viral undead outbreak in the city of Cypress Ridge during September 1999. Choose from an extensive cast of everyday citizens, each with unique abilities, traits, and storylines as you collaborate with up to three friends online or via local splitscreen to escape the undead apocalypse. Select your team members wisely, as different characters can access various areas of the game.
Your group must scavenge for supplies, fend off the undead, and navigate the city in hopes of finding an escape route. Death is only the beginning! When players fall, they resurrect as zombies with one objective: eliminate their former allies. Each scenario features branching paths and multiple endings, with your group's decisions directly impacting their ultimate fate.