One Shot: Overtime Elite explores the lives of OTE's next generatio...
One Shot: Overtime Elite explores the lives of OTE's next generation of basketball stars from around the country, as they navigate through various challenges and grueling training in pursuit of a professional basketball career. This compelling series dives into what it truly takes to make it to the next level - the drive, the sacrifice, the perseverance, and the glory that makes it all worth it...
One Shot: Overtime Elite explores the lives of OTE's next generation of basketball stars from around the country, as they navigate through various challenges and grueling training in pursuit of a professional basketball career. This compelling series dives into what it truly takes to make it to the next level - the drive, the sacrifice, the perseverance, and the glory that makes it all worth it. The series highlights the remarkable journey of Amen Thompson and Ausar Thompson, showcasing their ascent as top prospects within the league's emerging generation of basketball stars on the path to the NBA Draft. One Shot: Overtime Elite will take audiences behind the scenes of a league that is disrupting traditional paths to the NBA and inspiring an entirely new generation of basketball players and fans alike.