The 13-part mythological drama series Olympus takes viewers into th...
The 13-part mythological drama series Olympus takes viewers into the action-packed world of humans, Gods and monsters. Starring Matt Frewer (Max Headroom, Orphan Black), Sonita Henry (Star Trek, The Fifth Element), Cas Anvar (Argo, The Expanse) and Graham Shiels (Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor: Dark World), the gripping series captures the dangerous courage of a few brave men and women who banis...
The 13-part mythological drama series Olympus takes viewers into the action-packed world of humans, Gods and monsters. Starring Matt Frewer (Max Headroom, Orphan Black), Sonita Henry (Star Trek, The Fifth Element), Cas Anvar (Argo, The Expanse) and Graham Shiels (Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor: Dark World), the gripping series captures the dangerous courage of a few brave men and women who banished the Gods to the realm of the unconscious - a place they called the Underworld or the Kingdom of Hades.