NO WAY UP melds the gripping elements of a disaster movie with a su...
NO WAY UP melds the gripping elements of a disaster movie with a survival thriller, depicting a diverse group of characters united by a harrowing circumstance when their plane crashes into the Pacific Ocean. The damaged aircraft settles precariously near a deep ravine, leaving the survivors trapped in an air pocket within the wreckage. As their oxygen supply dwindles, they are plunged into a de...
NO WAY UP melds the gripping elements of a disaster movie with a survival thriller, depicting a diverse group of characters united by a harrowing circumstance when their plane crashes into the Pacific Ocean. The damaged aircraft settles precariously near a deep ravine, leaving the survivors trapped in an air pocket within the wreckage. As their oxygen supply dwindles, they are plunged into a desperate struggle for survival, facing mounting threats from every direction in a terrifying and relentless fight against time and the elements.