Release dates

August 11, 2021

43 months ago



Aug 11, 2021
43 months ago
Jul 22, 2020
56 months ago


PlayStation 4
To be announced

Necrobarista release date

The game Necrobarista is already released on PC and Switch in the USA. The upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in the USA is to be announced.


Stop in for a cup of coffee at The Terminal, a magical café in Melb...
Stop in for a cup of coffee at The Terminal, a magical café in Melbourne, Australia frequented by living and dead customers. Staffed by a necromancer, this back-alley java house allows the deceased to return to the world of the living for one final day before shuffling off this mortal coil. Necrobarista takes visual novels in a bold new direction with 3D visuals that provide a distinct cinem...
Stop in for a cup of coffee at The Terminal, a magical café in Melbourne, Australia frequented by living and dead customers. Staffed by a necromancer, this back-alley java house allows the deceased to return to the world of the living for one final day before shuffling off this mortal coil. Necrobarista takes visual novels in a bold new direction with 3D visuals that provide a distinct cinematic aesthetic and supply the narrative’s branching scenarios with depth and nuance. This also gives players the opportunity to explore the coffee shop and investigate its environments as they mingle with patrons and help them resolve unfinished business. As supernatural story sequences unfold from several characters’ perspectives, the dynamic camera moves and pans between a variety of angles and vantage points, creating a cinematic presentation previously unseen in the genre. Inspired by the arts of film and anime, Route 59 Games brings the world to life by empowering players to move and interact in free-roaming first-person scenes akin to point-and-click adventure titles.

What the critics say

Based on 1 review, Necrobarista gets an average review score of 80


Necrobarista pushes the visual novel forward with an impressive eye for the cinematic.

1666d ago
