What happens when reality becomes all too real? My First Horror Fil...
What happens when reality becomes all too real? My First Horror Film follows an aspiring influencer, still navigating her path to success, chronicles her pursuit of landing a role in her debut horror film. However, her dreams turn into a nightmare when a real-life killer starts targeting her fellow cast mates. As the crew finds themselves thrust into a deadly reality mirroring the script they w...
What happens when reality becomes all too real? My First Horror Film follows an aspiring influencer, still navigating her path to success, chronicles her pursuit of landing a role in her debut horror film. However, her dreams turn into a nightmare when a real-life killer starts targeting her fellow cast mates. As the crew finds themselves thrust into a deadly reality mirroring the script they were hired for, they must band together to outwit the murderer and survive the harrowing ordeal they once thought was mere fiction.