My Big Fat Fabulous Life focuses on Whitney's life, her one-of-a-ki...
My Big Fat Fabulous Life focuses on Whitney's life, her one-of-a-kind family and her friends. Deep down, she is just an average girl from small town North Carolina trying to find her way in a world that judges people by their size. Now 380 pounds, Whitney has a fresh outlook on life. She has learned to embrace her body and love herself again and urges others to do the same.
My Big Fat Fabulous Life focuses on Whitney's life, her one-of-a-kind family and her friends. Deep down, she is just an average girl from small town North Carolina trying to find her way in a world that judges people by their size. Now 380 pounds, Whitney has a fresh outlook on life. She has learned to embrace her body and love herself again and urges others to do the same.