The disappearance of Brittney Wood shocked and captivated the entir...
The disappearance of Brittney Wood shocked and captivated the entire state of Alabama in 2012. This led to a shocking revelation about Brittney's family causing her disappearance to become forgotten in the public eye. MONSTER IN THE SHADOWS explores several theories of what happened to Brittney.
Brittney's mother Chessie continues the search for her daughter after the police investigation. R...
The disappearance of Brittney Wood shocked and captivated the entire state of Alabama in 2012. This led to a shocking revelation about Brittney's family causing her disappearance to become forgotten in the public eye. MONSTER IN THE SHADOWS explores several theories of what happened to Brittney.
Brittney's mother Chessie continues the search for her daughter after the police investigation. Revealed through gripping plot twists, we discover the horrific truth Brittney's family was hiding. Exploring a web of lies and deceit that spanned an entire family, with the mother still searching for answers, will we ever find out what happened to Brittney?