Set in the Ōoku, the women's quarters of Edo Castle, the film offer...
Set in the Ōoku, the women's quarters of Edo Castle, the film offers unprecedented visual beauty, illustrated like a painted handscroll. Through bold art, new animation techniques fusing computer graphics and Japanese paper textures, an abundance of distinctive shots, and unique use of color, it creates a stunning and immersive world. Along with the peculiar grace of the Medicine Seller, the fi...
Set in the Ōoku, the women's quarters of Edo Castle, the film offers unprecedented visual beauty, illustrated like a painted handscroll. Through bold art, new animation techniques fusing computer graphics and Japanese paper textures, an abundance of distinctive shots, and unique use of color, it creates a stunning and immersive world. Along with the peculiar grace of the Medicine Seller, the film draws viewers in a rich and deep setting.
The story of the film revolves around the mononoke, an apparition created when intense human emotions merge with a supernatural spirit. When these entities start causing strange disturbances that harm people, a mysterious man called the Medicine Seller appears. Wielding the Sacred Sword - the only weapon in the world that can exorcise these specters - he stands against the mononoke who wreak havoc.