In the aftermath of the Fourth Succession War, the Davion/Steiner A...
In the aftermath of the Fourth Succession War, the Davion/Steiner Alliance dealt a devastating blow to the Capellan Confederation, leaving First Prince Hanse Davion eager to replicate this success against the Draconis Combine.
Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita, fully aware of the encroaching menace posed by the FedCom Alliance, has taken decisive action to fortify the Combine's defenses agains...
In the aftermath of the Fourth Succession War, the Davion/Steiner Alliance dealt a devastating blow to the Capellan Confederation, leaving First Prince Hanse Davion eager to replicate this success against the Draconis Combine.
Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita, fully aware of the encroaching menace posed by the FedCom Alliance, has taken decisive action to fortify the Combine's defenses against an inevitable war. As tensions rise, a unique opportunity presents itself – to unite with the Draconis Combine and rally behind Kurita's audacious and unexpected plan.