Max & the Midknights follows a determined 10-year-old girl named Ma...
Max & the Midknights follows a determined 10-year-old girl named Max, who pursues her dream of becoming a knight by leading her friends on an epic adventure in the fantastical medieval kingdom of Byjovia.
As a small girl with big ideas in the Middle Ages, Max will defy the status quo, fight for justice, and inspire everyone she meets with her feisty and fearless leadership. Not only will Ma...
Max & the Midknights follows a determined 10-year-old girl named Max, who pursues her dream of becoming a knight by leading her friends on an epic adventure in the fantastical medieval kingdom of Byjovia.
As a small girl with big ideas in the Middle Ages, Max will defy the status quo, fight for justice, and inspire everyone she meets with her feisty and fearless leadership. Not only will Max and the Midknights battle sword-wielding zombies, duel a malevolent sorceress, and tame a fire-breathing dragon, they'll also have loads of fun, forge lasting bonds of friendship, and push each other to be braver and bolder versions of themselves. Clever, kind, and seriously sassy, Max is always ready to lend a hand -- or a sword -- whenever anyone needs help.