Marisa of Liartop Mountain is an adventure role-playing game, where...
Marisa of Liartop Mountain is an adventure role-playing game, where you, the player, will play as Reimu and explore a mountain of books filled with mysteries and lies in search of the whereabouts of the missing Marisa. Advance or retreat, there lies a mountain of falsehood. In the depths of Marisa’s lies, the conclusion to the story will be decided by you. Welcome to a mystic world of adventure...
Marisa of Liartop Mountain is an adventure role-playing game, where you, the player, will play as Reimu and explore a mountain of books filled with mysteries and lies in search of the whereabouts of the missing Marisa. Advance or retreat, there lies a mountain of falsehood. In the depths of Marisa’s lies, the conclusion to the story will be decided by you. Welcome to a mystic world of adventure, sewn together by a singular magical book. Marisa of Liartop Mountain is an adventure role-playing game that progresses according to the player’s decision-making, in addition to the guidance of dice. You, the player, will play as Reimu and explore a mountain of books filled with mysteries and lies in search of the whereabouts of the missing Marisa.