Lady in the Lake is an adaptation of Laura Lippman's New York Times...
Lady in the Lake is an adaptation of Laura Lippman's New York Times best-selling novel of the same name. The limited series takes place in '60s Baltimore, where an unsolved murder pushes housewife and mother Maddie Schwartz (Portman) to reinvent her life as an investigative journalist and sets her on a collision course with Cleo Sherwood (Nyong'o), a hard-working woman juggling motherhood, many...
Lady in the Lake is an adaptation of Laura Lippman's New York Times best-selling novel of the same name. The limited series takes place in '60s Baltimore, where an unsolved murder pushes housewife and mother Maddie Schwartz (Portman) to reinvent her life as an investigative journalist and sets her on a collision course with Cleo Sherwood (Nyong'o), a hard-working woman juggling motherhood, many jobs and a passionate commitment to advancing Baltimore's Black progressive agenda.