In Kitsune Tails, you assume the role of a young female kitsune, on...
In Kitsune Tails, you assume the role of a young female kitsune, one of Inari's esteemed messengers characterized by fox ears and a bushy tail. Embark on a heroic journey that commences with a fateful delivery. Along the way, you'll encounter a heartwarming connection with a benevolent sorceress, who becomes your steadfast ally in times of turmoil. Navigate the intricate dynamics of your relati...
In Kitsune Tails, you assume the role of a young female kitsune, one of Inari's esteemed messengers characterized by fox ears and a bushy tail. Embark on a heroic journey that commences with a fateful delivery. Along the way, you'll encounter a heartwarming connection with a benevolent sorceress, who becomes your steadfast ally in times of turmoil. Navigate the intricate dynamics of your relationship with a former mentor turned adversary, as you uncover her motives behind imprisoning your love interest within an elemental vault.
As you progress, unlock extraordinary abilities that manifest in the form of charming outfits, empowering you to navigate the vibrant landscapes inspired by Japanese mythology through running, jumping, and dashing. Kitsune Tails serves as an enchanting sequel to Super Bernie World, inviting players into a world teeming with adventure and wonder.