After a glorious night at the strip club, the film follows dancers,...
After a glorious night at the strip club, the film follows dancers, Kiss (Natascha Hopkins), and her best friends Treasure (Tamra Dae) and Kurious (Janey Bolina) as they are led by newcomer Tia (Nathalia Castellon) to an exclusive wine tasting. A beautiful day turns tragic when they wake up having been seduced by their captor and special forces veteran, Gibson (Robert Wagner), as he orchestrate...
After a glorious night at the strip club, the film follows dancers, Kiss (Natascha Hopkins), and her best friends Treasure (Tamra Dae) and Kurious (Janey Bolina) as they are led by newcomer Tia (Nathalia Castellon) to an exclusive wine tasting. A beautiful day turns tragic when they wake up having been seduced by their captor and special forces veteran, Gibson (Robert Wagner), as he orchestrates a fight night that has each girl to battle against Fortune (Kylie Rae) and Dream (Kiersten Hall) to prove that he’s found the perfect serum to enhance a human’s fighting abilities in combat. Round by round we witness our band of heroines face each other to the last breath as they work to free themselves and get the most savage revenge on their captor.