Kingdoms of Ereloth (KoE) is a Survival RPG video game, inspired by...
Kingdoms of Ereloth (KoE) is a Survival RPG video game, inspired by a fantastic medieval era where, thanks to its multiplayer system, you and your friends can immerse yourselves in a vast world full of adventures. Forge strategic alliances with other factions to strengthen your kingdom and weaken the enemy, thus changing the fate of Ereloth.
Do you dream of being a pirate, a King or just loo...
Kingdoms of Ereloth (KoE) is a Survival RPG video game, inspired by a fantastic medieval era where, thanks to its multiplayer system, you and your friends can immerse yourselves in a vast world full of adventures. Forge strategic alliances with other factions to strengthen your kingdom and weaken the enemy, thus changing the fate of Ereloth.
Do you dream of being a pirate, a King or just looking for a quiet farm where you can settle down? KoE offers you all this and more, with a wide range of professions which will influence the economies of the kingdoms.