King of the Castle, a narrative-driven, streaming-led, PC multiplay...
King of the Castle, a narrative-driven, streaming-led, PC multiplayer game set in a fictional fantasy kingdom, in development at London-based studio, Tributary Games.
Take your rightful place on the throne and lead a fantasy Kingdom to a new Golden Age or to catastrophic disaster! Play with 3 to 3,000 other players who will make up your Council of squabbling Nobles and will vote on your eve...
King of the Castle, a narrative-driven, streaming-led, PC multiplayer game set in a fictional fantasy kingdom, in development at London-based studio, Tributary Games.
Take your rightful place on the throne and lead a fantasy Kingdom to a new Golden Age or to catastrophic disaster! Play with 3 to 3,000 other players who will make up your Council of squabbling Nobles and will vote on your every decision. Face difficult dilemmas where every option has far-reaching consequences for the Kingdom. Navigate politics, regional conflicts, and perhaps even all-out rebellion as your untrustworthy vassals scheme to overthrow you.