Tsukigami, the Moon God, has transformed the inhabitants of the for...
Tsukigami, the Moon God, has transformed the inhabitants of the forest into stone, and only the four Animal Ninja Masters can break the spell and restore their home! Harness each character’s swift moves, arsenal of tools, and unique powers to fight through hordes of evil spirit minions to reach Mt. Fuji and confront the Moon God. With upgradeable weapons and items, local multiplayer support for...
Tsukigami, the Moon God, has transformed the inhabitants of the forest into stone, and only the four Animal Ninja Masters can break the spell and restore their home! Harness each character’s swift moves, arsenal of tools, and unique powers to fight through hordes of evil spirit minions to reach Mt. Fuji and confront the Moon God. With upgradeable weapons and items, local multiplayer support for up to four players, and charming visuals drawn from retro side-scrollers and traditional folklore, Kemono Heroes is truly a vivid and memorable action adventure!