Jurassic World is an American science-fiction adventure film and is...
Jurassic World is an American science-fiction adventure film and is the fourth instalment of the Jurassic Park film series based on the books of the same name by author Michael Crichton. For over a decade, the film was stuck in ‘development hell’ following the release of the third Jurassic Park film in 2001.
After the project was started up again in 2011/2012, an original release date of Jun...
Jurassic World is an American science-fiction adventure film and is the fourth instalment of the Jurassic Park film series based on the books of the same name by author Michael Crichton. For over a decade, the film was stuck in ‘development hell’ following the release of the third Jurassic Park film in 2001.
After the project was started up again in 2011/2012, an original release date of June 2014 was set. This was then delayed to 2015 due to disagreements over script and film direction.
The film stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D’Onofrio, Nick Robinson, Ty Simpkins, and Irrfan Khan. Actor BD Wong also stars in the film, and is the only cast member to have starred in the original trilogy (playing Dr. Henry Wu in the first film).
The story takes place 22 years after the events of the original Jurassic Park film (released 22 years ago in 1993). Isla Nublar now features a fully-functioning dinosaur theme park, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After Many years, Jurassic World’s attendance rates begin to decline, and a new attraction that was designed to re-spark visitor interest gravely backfires.