Inspired by the groundbreaking comic series by Robert Kirkman, Cory...
Inspired by the groundbreaking comic series by Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley, the narrative delves into the life of 18-year-old Mark Grayson. He seems like any other teenager, but there's one exception — his father was once the mightiest superhero on Earth. After grappling with the shocking revelations of Season 1, Mark is on a tumultuous journey to pick up the pieces. With an ar...
Inspired by the groundbreaking comic series by Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley, the narrative delves into the life of 18-year-old Mark Grayson. He seems like any other teenager, but there's one exception — his father was once the mightiest superhero on Earth. After grappling with the shocking revelations of Season 1, Mark is on a tumultuous journey to pick up the pieces. With an array of new challenges looming, his greatest apprehension is transforming into the very person he fears most: his father.
Starring Steven Yeun, and featuring the talents of Sandra Oh, Zazie Beetz, Grey DeLisle, Chris Diamantopoulos, Walton Goggins, Gillian Jacobs, Jason Mantzoukas, Ross Marquand, Khary Payton, Zachary Quinto, Andrew Rannells, Kevin Michael Richardson, Seth Rogen, and J.K. Simmons. This season welcomes newcomers Sterling K. Brown, Peter Cullen, Rob Delaney, Calista Flockhart, Phil LaMarr, Luke MacFarlane, Tatiana Maslany, Scott McNairy, Jay Pharoah, Ella Purnell, Tim Robinson, Ben Schwartz, Rhea Seehorn, Lea Thompson, Paul F. Tompkins, Shantel VanSanten, and more to its stellar cast. Prepare for a thrilling ride!