For centuries, humanity has engaged in a relentless struggle agains...
For centuries, humanity has engaged in a relentless struggle against the Khemrids, horrific creatures spawned by a divine thousand-eyed snake residing deep within the planet's core. Amidst this chaos, salvation can only be found within the confines of the church. However, the church demands unwavering obedience from its followers, eradicating any ancient texts that challenge its established ord...
For centuries, humanity has engaged in a relentless struggle against the Khemrids, horrific creatures spawned by a divine thousand-eyed snake residing deep within the planet's core. Amidst this chaos, salvation can only be found within the confines of the church. However, the church demands unwavering obedience from its followers, eradicating any ancient texts that challenge its established order. Dissidents are confined to church cellars where they wither away, while the excessively submissive are exalted as saints and subjected to martyrdom. From the martyrs' bodies, the clergymen ignite a special flame known as the Holy Fire—a formidable force detested and feared by the khemrids. Yet, the Church's ultimate weapon lies in the form of the immortal Hunters, individuals capable of confronting the khemrids on equal footing.