Release dates

Q3 2024

This quarter

Xbox Series X / PlayStation 5 / PC


Xbox Series X
Q3 2024
This quarter
PlayStation 5
Q3 2024
This quarter
Q3 2024
This quarter

Honeycomb: The World Beyond release date

The game Honeycomb: The World Beyond upcoming Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5 and PC release date in the USA is confirmed to be Q3 2024. You can play this game on Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5 and PC in the USA this quarter.

Honeycomb: The World Beyond

Welcome to Operation Honeycomb. EON Corp is grateful for your effor...
Welcome to Operation Honeycomb. EON Corp is grateful for your efforts towards ensuring Earth's future and wishes to emphasize that all information you gather must be kept in strict confidence. Brace yourself for the unknown as you explore the verdant fields and profound caverns of Sota7, the planet that may hold the key to humanity's continued existence. Employ your expertise in bioengineering ...
Welcome to Operation Honeycomb. EON Corp is grateful for your efforts towards ensuring Earth's future and wishes to emphasize that all information you gather must be kept in strict confidence. Brace yourself for the unknown as you explore the verdant fields and profound caverns of Sota7, the planet that may hold the key to humanity's continued existence. Employ your expertise in bioengineering and the comprehensive training provided by EON to thrive in a world teeming with wonder and enigma. The biological diversity of Sota7 may initially seem alien - enhancing your scientific knowledge and comprehension is an integral part of your assignment. As a bioengineer, you are tasked with interbreeding plant species to create novel variants with potentially life-saving attributes. Be cautious around the local wildlife; while some creatures may be docile, others may not take kindly to an interstellar visitor encroaching on their territory.
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