Homesteading saviors Marty, Misty, and Matt Raney return to the mos...
Homesteading saviors Marty, Misty, and Matt Raney return to the most desperate homesteads across America to help those on the brink of failure learn to survive and thrive off the grid. Using fresh ingenuity, the trio will help several new struggling families discover how to successfully secure clean water, grow sustainable crops, protect their valuable livestock, and reinforce failing infrastru...
Homesteading saviors Marty, Misty, and Matt Raney return to the most desperate homesteads across America to help those on the brink of failure learn to survive and thrive off the grid. Using fresh ingenuity, the trio will help several new struggling families discover how to successfully secure clean water, grow sustainable crops, protect their valuable livestock, and reinforce failing infrastructures, all while facing the most grueling obstacles mother nature has to offer. While the Raneys answer these cries for help with their unique skillset, each family will ultimately have to decide if they can stick it out for the long-haul or must pack up and return to civilization. An all-new season of HOMESTEAD RESCUE premieres Wednesday, January 2 at 10pm ET/PT with a season special airing Wednesday, December 26 at 10pm ET/PT on Discovery.