The Disruptor mission brings players back to the island of Sgàil du...
The Disruptor mission brings players back to the island of Sgàil during a conclave of the secretive Ark Society, an organization composed of the world’s most rich and powerful people. The target is the multi-millionaire MMA fighter, known as “The Disruptor”, who is to participate in a fight against the CEO of Quantum Leap and combat sports enthusiast, Tim Quinn. Fearing that the whole ordeal wi...
The Disruptor mission brings players back to the island of Sgàil during a conclave of the secretive Ark Society, an organization composed of the world’s most rich and powerful people. The target is the multi-millionaire MMA fighter, known as “The Disruptor”, who is to participate in a fight against the CEO of Quantum Leap and combat sports enthusiast, Tim Quinn. Fearing that the whole ordeal will ridicule Tim Quinn, stakeholders at Quantum Leap have tasked Agent 47 to take down The Disruptor before he strikes, for the company’s best interest.
The mission is available to play, for free, for newcomers to HITMAN in the Free Starter Pack, with the possibility of replaying the mission as many times as they wish, for the mission's duration. HITMAN World of Assassination players can access The Disruptor mission for free.