Drawing inspiration from the actual haunted hayride hosted by farme...
Drawing inspiration from the actual haunted hayride hosted by farmer Bob Lange on his family's ancestral pumpkin farm in the 80s & 90s, this film is shaping up to be a horror cult classic. It simultaneously captures the enchantment and emphasizes the importance of conserving Pennsylvania's family farms. Set against the backdrop of the Coxe Family Farm in the pastoral Willis County, Farmer Sam, ...
Drawing inspiration from the actual haunted hayride hosted by farmer Bob Lange on his family's ancestral pumpkin farm in the 80s & 90s, this film is shaping up to be a horror cult classic. It simultaneously captures the enchantment and emphasizes the importance of conserving Pennsylvania's family farms. Set against the backdrop of the Coxe Family Farm in the pastoral Willis County, Farmer Sam, portrayed by Bill Moseley, seeks his grisly vengeance against the deceitful townspeople, including Sheriff Jubel played by Kane Hodder. They threaten him and plot to seize the farm that's been a family treasure for two centuries.