The Great Martian War is a cinematic and immersive endless runner b...
The Great Martian War is a cinematic and immersive endless runner based on the scripted drama of the same name that aired on HISTORY late last year in the UK and Canada. Playing as Gus Lafonde, a skillful scout and brave soldier determined to survive the Martian invasion, the player navigates vast battlefields—evading land mines, artillery strikes, tanks and terrifying Martian war machines. Alo...
The Great Martian War is a cinematic and immersive endless runner based on the scripted drama of the same name that aired on HISTORY late last year in the UK and Canada. Playing as Gus Lafonde, a skillful scout and brave soldier determined to survive the Martian invasion, the player navigates vast battlefields—evading land mines, artillery strikes, tanks and terrifying Martian war machines. Along the way, Gus must collect rations and Victisite (the living metal that powers the alien machines) to unlock power-ups and complete his mission.