"Graves" is a single camera, half-hour comedy starring Oscar-nomina...
"Graves" is a single camera, half-hour comedy starring Oscar-nominated Nick Nolte as a former President of the United States. Twenty years after his presidency, former President Richard Graves has the epiphany that his policies have damaged the country for decades and so, with his young assistant, he goes on a Don Quixote-like journey to right his administration's wrongs just as his wife, the f...
"Graves" is a single camera, half-hour comedy starring Oscar-nominated Nick Nolte as a former President of the United States. Twenty years after his presidency, former President Richard Graves has the epiphany that his policies have damaged the country for decades and so, with his young assistant, he goes on a Don Quixote-like journey to right his administration's wrongs just as his wife, the former First Lady, decides to follow her own political ambitions.