Set in the vast Sky Realm, Granblue Fantasy unfolds in a world dott...
Set in the vast Sky Realm, Granblue Fantasy unfolds in a world dotted with islands floating amidst the blue skies. Assume the role of a skyfaring captain, accompanied by the spirited dragon, Vyrn, and the enigmatic girl, Lyria. With a diverse crew comprising both royalty and rogues, you set sail towards Estalucia, an island steeped in legend and nestled at the edge of the horizon.
Within the...
Set in the vast Sky Realm, Granblue Fantasy unfolds in a world dotted with islands floating amidst the blue skies. Assume the role of a skyfaring captain, accompanied by the spirited dragon, Vyrn, and the enigmatic girl, Lyria. With a diverse crew comprising both royalty and rogues, you set sail towards Estalucia, an island steeped in legend and nestled at the edge of the horizon.
Within the Zegagrande Skydom, formidable primal beasts stand guard over islands, while whispers of the clandestine Church of Avia drift with the winds. As you journey, unravel a complex narrative that extends well beyond Zegagrande's boundaries, leading to a pivotal clash determining the destiny of the entire Sky Realm.