“Gone” follows the story of Kit “Kick” Lannigan, survivor of a high...
“Gone” follows the story of Kit “Kick” Lannigan, survivor of a highly publicized child-abduction case, and Frank Novak, the FBI agent who rescued her. Determined never to fall victim again, Kick trains herself in martial arts and the use of firearms. She finds her calling when Novak persuades her to join a special task force he created dedicated to solving abductions and missing persons cases. ...
“Gone” follows the story of Kit “Kick” Lannigan, survivor of a highly publicized child-abduction case, and Frank Novak, the FBI agent who rescued her. Determined never to fall victim again, Kick trains herself in martial arts and the use of firearms. She finds her calling when Novak persuades her to join a special task force he created dedicated to solving abductions and missing persons cases. Paired with former Army intelligence officer John Bishop, Kick brings her unique understanding of a predator’s mind to the team.