Release dates

April 1, 2022

36 months ago



Apr 1, 2022
36 months ago

Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge's Mine Rescue Season 2 release date

The tv series season Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge's Mine Rescue Season 2 is already released on Discovery+ in the USA.

Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge's Mine Rescue Season 2

TV Series Season
Freddy Dodge is no stranger when it comes to gold mining. With near...
Freddy Dodge is no stranger when it comes to gold mining. With nearly 40 years of mining under his belt, he's known around the world as the "Gold Guru" and the person struggling mine owners call when they're striking out. Now he's going on the road to help struggling mine owners to hit the motherlode in Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge's Mine Rescue. To help him turnaround the operations, Freddy has tea...
Freddy Dodge is no stranger when it comes to gold mining. With nearly 40 years of mining under his belt, he's known around the world as the "Gold Guru" and the person struggling mine owners call when they're striking out. Now he's going on the road to help struggling mine owners to hit the motherlode in Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge's Mine Rescue. To help him turnaround the operations, Freddy has teamed up with expert mechanic and fellow Gold Rush miner Juan Ibarra. At each location, the mining duo will use their knowledge of geology, prospecting, drilling and testing to get back on the paydirt. But it isn't just running their dirt faster. It's about making the operations better, and more importantly, running cheaper.