Goblin Slayer‘s first console game titled Goblin Slayer Another Adv...
Goblin Slayer‘s first console game titled Goblin Slayer Another Adventurer: Nightmare Feast is currently in development. The original creator of the series, Kumo Kagyu, is in charge of the original concept and series composition, while the main character designs are being handled by Noboru Kannatsuki, who also worked on the original series. The game will feature a new story set in Four-Cornered...
Goblin Slayer‘s first console game titled Goblin Slayer Another Adventurer: Nightmare Feast is currently in development. The original creator of the series, Kumo Kagyu, is in charge of the original concept and series composition, while the main character designs are being handled by Noboru Kannatsuki, who also worked on the original series. The game will feature a new story set in Four-Cornered World, with original characters.
The game will be a tactical RPG, in keeping with the style of Goblin Slayer where players will have to consider the positioning of their units on the battlefield, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of both allied and enemy units.