A decorated New Jersey police detective, Laurel Hester (Julianne Mo...
A decorated New Jersey police detective, Laurel Hester (Julianne Moore) is diagnosed with cancer and wants to leave her hard earned pension to her domestic partner, Stacie Andree (Ellen Page) . However the county officials, Freeholders, conspire to prevent Laurel from doing this. Hard-nosed detective Dane Wells (Michael Shannon), and activist Steven Goldstein (Steve Carell), unite in Laurel and...
A decorated New Jersey police detective, Laurel Hester (Julianne Moore) is diagnosed with cancer and wants to leave her hard earned pension to her domestic partner, Stacie Andree (Ellen Page) . However the county officials, Freeholders, conspire to prevent Laurel from doing this. Hard-nosed detective Dane Wells (Michael Shannon), and activist Steven Goldstein (Steve Carell), unite in Laurel and Stacie’s defense, rallying police officers and ordinary citizens to support their struggle for equality.