Release dates

August 1, 2024

42 days ago



Aug 1, 2024
42 days ago

Fragment: A Story in Growing release date

The game Fragment: A Story in Growing is already released on PC in the USA.

Fragment: A Story in Growing

In Fragment: A Story in Growing, players will take control of a you...
In Fragment: A Story in Growing, players will take control of a young widowed father hustling in the workplace. The main character faces the challenges of his unequal workplace environment, with meagre salaries and the escalating expenses of a growing daughter. Choose carefully as every decision will have an impact on several aspects, such as the mental well-being of your family or your financi...
In Fragment: A Story in Growing, players will take control of a young widowed father hustling in the workplace. The main character faces the challenges of his unequal workplace environment, with meagre salaries and the escalating expenses of a growing daughter. Choose carefully as every decision will have an impact on several aspects, such as the mental well-being of your family or your financial status. n this text-based narrative-driven game, players make choices by grouping different words and trying to find a balance between health, money, and food. Failing to keep that balance will have catastrophic consequences. Besides the main story, the game will also show random events grouped into four themes (work, socializing, parenting, and private time). Whether players accept or decline to take part in them will have an impact on their everyday routines. As the story progresses, players can check their past in a photo album, flipping old memories from their younger selves.
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