Dive into a world where the tactical gameplay of XCOM collides with...
Dive into a world where the tactical gameplay of XCOM collides with the historical backdrop of World War II in "Forgotten but Unbroken." This tactical turn-based strategy game, while drawing inspiration from XCOM, carves its own distinct path within the genre, offering a rich and intricate gaming experience.
Step into the shoes of the protagonist, guiding him on his journey to triumph. Manag...
Dive into a world where the tactical gameplay of XCOM collides with the historical backdrop of World War II in "Forgotten but Unbroken." This tactical turn-based strategy game, while drawing inspiration from XCOM, carves its own distinct path within the genre, offering a rich and intricate gaming experience.
Step into the shoes of the protagonist, guiding him on his journey to triumph. Manage and enhance your base, recruit new allies, and strategically deploy your units to prevail against the Axis forces. Along the way, encounter both celebrated and unsung heroes of World War II, as well as confront formidable opponents from the Third Reich. "Forgotten but Unbroken" not only brings you face to face with renowned figures but also pays homage to those whose contributions have been overshadowed in the annals of history.