Fairy Tail: Beach Volleyball Havoc is a competitive, chaotic, actio...
Fairy Tail: Beach Volleyball Havoc is a competitive, chaotic, action-packed, magic-loaded beach volleyball game featuring characters from the Fairy Tail series! The Kingdom of Fiore's annual beach volleyball tournament is underway. But once mages from all over Ishgar show up, things get heated and the whole tournament is thrown into chaos...
Take part in thrilling and intense 2v2 matches wit...
Fairy Tail: Beach Volleyball Havoc is a competitive, chaotic, action-packed, magic-loaded beach volleyball game featuring characters from the Fairy Tail series! The Kingdom of Fiore's annual beach volleyball tournament is underway. But once mages from all over Ishgar show up, things get heated and the whole tournament is thrown into chaos...
Take part in thrilling and intense 2v2 matches with easy-to-follow controls! Coordinate with your partner to hit your opponents with powerful magic strikes! Finish matches to unlock new characters and illustrated art. Use controllers to play locally with up to 4 players! Or use Steam's Remote Play Together feature to play together online.