Ex Machina is an upcoming science fiction thriller, written and dir...
Ex Machina is an upcoming science fiction thriller, written and directed by Alex Garland, marking Garland's directorial debut, and starring Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac and Alicia Vikander. It tells the story of a computer coder who wins the chance to spend a week at the house in the mountains belonging to the CEO of the company he works for, only to find he has to participate in an experiment...
Ex Machina is an upcoming science fiction thriller, written and directed by Alex Garland, marking Garland's directorial debut, and starring Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac and Alicia Vikander. It tells the story of a computer coder who wins the chance to spend a week at the house in the mountains belonging to the CEO of the company he works for, only to find he has to participate in an experiment involving a new brand of artificial intelligence.