In Eternights, you’ll brave perilous dungeons steeped in mystery an...
In Eternights, you’ll brave perilous dungeons steeped in mystery and danger while counting on your companions’ unique skills and spells in battle. Strategically exploit enemy weaknesses through elemental attacks while skillfully dodging, parrying and unleashing powerful combos. Monsters won’t be your only challenge; you’ll have to survive traps, outwit puzzles, conquer mini-games and hold hands...
In Eternights, you’ll brave perilous dungeons steeped in mystery and danger while counting on your companions’ unique skills and spells in battle. Strategically exploit enemy weaknesses through elemental attacks while skillfully dodging, parrying and unleashing powerful combos. Monsters won’t be your only challenge; you’ll have to survive traps, outwit puzzles, conquer mini-games and hold hands if you are to save the world in this heartfelt game where romance and action play an equal part.