Release dates

July 31, 2024

7 months ago

PC (Early Access)


PC (Early Access)
Jul 31, 2024
7 months ago

Drug Lord Tycoon release date

The game Drug Lord Tycoon is already released on PC (Early Access) in the USA.

Drug Lord Tycoon

Start from nothing and rise to the top as you expand your criminal ...
Start from nothing and rise to the top as you expand your criminal empire in Drug Lord Tycoon. You'll begin as a low-level street hustler working out of a tiny back-alley garage. With aspirations of power and wealth you rise through the ranks, hire workers, and gain access to powerful contacts in the criminal underworld. Becoming a succesful kingpin is not easy, and there are a lot of risks and...
Start from nothing and rise to the top as you expand your criminal empire in Drug Lord Tycoon. You'll begin as a low-level street hustler working out of a tiny back-alley garage. With aspirations of power and wealth you rise through the ranks, hire workers, and gain access to powerful contacts in the criminal underworld. Becoming a succesful kingpin is not easy, and there are a lot of risks and dangers you have to take into account. Avoiding police, rival drug cartels, and insane partners, is all a part of running a drug empire.