Penned by Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke, this comedic escapade center...
Penned by Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke, this comedic escapade centers on Jamie, a vivacious free spirit lamenting her latest romantic split, and her reserved companion Marian, who is in dire need of some spontaneity. The pair set out on an unplanned road trip to Tallahassee seeking new beginnings. However, their journey takes a chaotic turn as they encounter a band of bumbling crooks. The film i...
Penned by Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke, this comedic escapade centers on Jamie, a vivacious free spirit lamenting her latest romantic split, and her reserved companion Marian, who is in dire need of some spontaneity. The pair set out on an unplanned road trip to Tallahassee seeking new beginnings. However, their journey takes a chaotic turn as they encounter a band of bumbling crooks. The film is directed by Ethan Coen.