The game Dragon Quest Builders is already released on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Switch and PC in the USA.
Based on 46 reviews, Dragon Quest Builders gets an average review score of 83
Dragon Quest Builders is part RPG, part construction game and loads of fun.
2990d ago
Solid gameplay and simple storytelling give players a reason to keep coming back.
2990d ago
For anyone who’s ever looked at Minecraft and found its lack of structure daunting, DQB is a more focused, more accessible version of it.
2990d ago
Half Dragon Quest, half Minecraft, all delightful.
2990d ago
Dragon Quest Builders is an entertaining RPG, a marvellous builder, and simply a tremendous game all-round.
2990d ago
While created for fans first and foremost, Dragon Quest Builders serves as not only a love letter to the long running series, but also as an excellent introduction for newcomers.
3049d ago
Dragon Quest Builders is definitely a great stride of creativity in the gaming world.
2990d ago
A brilliant, feature-packed game that any self-respecting Switch player should be picking up right about now.
2537d ago
I couldn’t stop playing Dragon Quest Builders and it is one of those experiences that I look forward to continue playing even after the review is done.
3049d ago
Dragon Quest Builders is instead a beautiful, voxel-informed, crafting-focused, thematically relatable fantasy roleplaying extravaganza that’s better because of its constraints, not in spite of them.
3049d ago
Striking an almost perfect balance between RPG and construction game, Dragon Quest: Builders manages to hold fast to the best parts of the series whose name it bears.
3049d ago
Dragon Quest Builders is both a fantastic game and a testament to the incredible versatility of the Dragon Quest series.
3049d ago
What it is, however, is a down-to-earth and genuinely entertaining little game that shares far, far more in common with its JRPG roots than even the game itself wants to admit.
3049d ago
Taking a formula made famous by Minecraft and refining it in every possible way is what makes Dragon Quest Builders a fun and enjoyable experience through and through.
3049d ago
Overall, this is still the fantastic game I remember playing back at the start of 2016 and one that works brilliantly on the Switch.
2537d ago
Dragon Quest Builders admirably mixes the series' RPG traditions with Minecraft.
3046d ago
The controls are simple and soon become second nature as you mine, create, and battle your way around a lush yet simplistic world.
3049d ago
How players build their towns and help the townsfolk is what will give each person their unique experience.
2990d ago
It's worth it, though, to finally experience joy in creating and crafting. I just needed a little guidance and a reason to build.
2990d ago
I’ve always enjoyed the crafting side of RPGs, but this takes it on to a whole new level.
3049d ago
Dragon Quest Builders is an excellent example of a game that can take after something more popular but retain its own personality.
2990d ago
Dragon Quest Builders is a superb game, appealing to both fans of the series and newcomers alike.
2990d ago
It is easily my preferred title in the crafting game genre.
3049d ago
Dragon Quest Builders provides a lot of the freedom of Minecraft but does guide you enough that you'll never feel like you don't have something important to do even if all you want to do is build and that's okay.
3049d ago
Sadly, Dragon Quest Builders isn’t quite the Dragon Quest meets Minecraft mash-up that I was really hoping for.
2990d ago
It is hard to resist the charm of Dragon Quest Builders.
2990d ago
Combat could be better, but Dragon Quest Builders combines RPG structure and freeform creativity to great effect.
3052d ago
Dragon Quest Builders as a package is all kinds of fun.
2537d ago
It is a Minecraft clone with Dragon Quest art, most definitely, but it’s also got a little extra magic all its own.
2990d ago
One of the freshest experiences in the series.
2990d ago
Similar to Minecraft it may be but Dragon Quest Builders is a great game in its own right.
2990d ago
Its a guided experience but its this structure that makes the game both addictive and rewarding.
2990d ago
The excellence of Dragon Quest Builders illustrates the versatility of this 30-year-old franchise as much as it speaks to the engrossing appeal of Minecraft-inspired creation.
2990d ago
It's the type of well-designed fan service that will bring smiles to the faces of fans of the franchise.
2537d ago
Dragon Quest Builders is a great alternative for people who want more structure from a Minecraft-style experience – and plenty of structures to build.
3050d ago
Getting lost in its toybox pleasures is easy and extremely fun.
2990d ago
Dragon Quest Builders gives the genre's heavy hitters a run for their money with its charm, character, and accessibility.
2990d ago
A surprisingly successful mash-up between two completely different franchises, whose quiet charms offer a welcome alternative to incessant action and overbearing storytelling.
2537d ago
Dragon Quest Builders could be the start of a hugely successful spinoff from the main franchise.
2990d ago
Relaxing and compelling, with Dragon Quest Builders if you’ve struggled to get into the genre with building games in the past this might just be the game that changes your mind.
3049d ago
Dragon Quest Builders demonstrates that a JRPG can think outside of the box and successfully incorporate elements out of games like Minecraft, although the experience needs a little refinement before it becomes perfect.
3049d ago
It’s another brilliant game for Switch, ideally suited to its drop-in, take-out style of gaming.
2537d ago
A surprisingly successful mash-up between two completely different franchises.
2990d ago
It’s far from perfect, but it’s a good effort and another potentially successful spin-off.
2990d ago
DQB is a game worth checking out for crafting-simulation lovers and fans of the classic JRPG franchise open to a new direction.
2990d ago
For those that are looking for a relaxing game that can be completed at a leisurely pace, this may suit you.
3049d ago