"Dome-King Cabbage" unfolds as an acclaimed visual novel centered a...
"Dome-King Cabbage" unfolds as an acclaimed visual novel centered around Mush, a cloud-person whose nerves accompany them on the journey to a pivotal job interview. As Mush navigates this pivotal moment, they grapple with their unique ability to perceive the world through the lens of a monster-collecting RPG. As Mush delves deeper into their newfound extrasensory powers, their path intertwines ...
"Dome-King Cabbage" unfolds as an acclaimed visual novel centered around Mush, a cloud-person whose nerves accompany them on the journey to a pivotal job interview. As Mush navigates this pivotal moment, they grapple with their unique ability to perceive the world through the lens of a monster-collecting RPG. As Mush delves deeper into their newfound extrasensory powers, their path intertwines with Crumb Island, a mysterious locale promising the elusive title of "Dome-King." Crafted by the visionary solo-developer Cobysoft Joe, the narrative of "Dome-King Cabbage" unfolds in an unmistakable, perception-bending style. Its vibrant amalgamation of psychedelic visuals, eclectic beats, and captivating tales coalesce seamlessly, a testament to the singular vision driving its creation.