Directed by Joshua Tunick, the film (which premiered at last year's...
Directed by Joshua Tunick, the film (which premiered at last year's Outfest), focuses on a group of friends and family at the home of the two grooms as they gather to celebrate the next day's ceremony. But when one of their long-lost childhood friends unexpectedly arrives, they must learn to navigate challenges they hadn't expected, to say nothing of the the stresses and and surprises that happ...
Directed by Joshua Tunick, the film (which premiered at last year's Outfest), focuses on a group of friends and family at the home of the two grooms as they gather to celebrate the next day's ceremony. But when one of their long-lost childhood friends unexpectedly arrives, they must learn to navigate challenges they hadn't expected, to say nothing of the the stresses and and surprises that happen when gathered with nearest and dearest.