The story centers on Skye (Williams), a spirited teenager with a te...
The story centers on Skye (Williams), a spirited teenager with a terminal illness who befriends Calvin (Butterfield), a 19-year-old hypochondriac working as a baggage handler at the local airport. Calvin helps Skye carry out her eccentric "bucket list" of things to do before she dies. In the process, he learns to confront and conquer his own fears, including falling in love with the beautiful, ...
The story centers on Skye (Williams), a spirited teenager with a terminal illness who befriends Calvin (Butterfield), a 19-year-old hypochondriac working as a baggage handler at the local airport. Calvin helps Skye carry out her eccentric "bucket list" of things to do before she dies. In the process, he learns to confront and conquer his own fears, including falling in love with the beautiful, but seemingly untouchable, Izzy (Dobrev).