Release dates

January 14, 2020

1703 days ago

Xbox One / PC / PlayStation 4


Xbox One
Jan 14, 2020
1703 days ago
Jan 14, 2020
1703 days ago
PlayStation 4
Jan 14, 2020
1703 days ago
PC (Early Access)
Mar 9, 2018
2379 days ago
Xbox One (Game Preview)
Mar 9, 2018
2379 days ago

Darwin Project release date

The game Darwin Project is already released on PC (Early Access), Xbox One (Game Preview), Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4 in the USA.

Darwin Project

Darwin Project takes place in a dystopian post-apocalyptic landscap...
Darwin Project takes place in a dystopian post-apocalyptic landscape in the Northern Canadian Rockies. As preparation for an impending Ice Age, a new project, half science experiment half live-entertainment, is launched. It's called "The Darwin Project" and it challenges participants to survive the cold and fight to the death in a treacherous arena. The Darwin Project offers a competitive multi...
Darwin Project takes place in a dystopian post-apocalyptic landscape in the Northern Canadian Rockies. As preparation for an impending Ice Age, a new project, half science experiment half live-entertainment, is launched. It's called "The Darwin Project" and it challenges participants to survive the cold and fight to the death in a treacherous arena. The Darwin Project offers a competitive multiplayer third person survival experience featuring at its core a new gameplay innovation: the manhunt. In his or her path to victory, a player must survive extreme environmental conditions, track opponents, and set traps in order to win.
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